00:09 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
00:12 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
01:15 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
01:18 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
02:00 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
02:03 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
04:24 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
04:27 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
04:42 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
04:48 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
05:21 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
05:27 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
06:12 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
06:15 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
06:27 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
06:36 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
07:27 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
07:30 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
07:42 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
07:45 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
08:09 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
08:12 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
08:42 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
08:45 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
09:00 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
09:03 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
09:15 <alain_afpy> matin
09:45 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
09:48 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
12:15 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
12:18 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
12:30 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
12:36 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
13:06 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
13:12 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
13:24 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
13:27 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
14:15 <alain_afpy> matin
16:18 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
16:21 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
16:39 <Eliewen> Bonjour à tous !
16:39 <mdk> Eliewen: O/
16:42 <Eliewen> Votre association a l'air vraiment sympa, je viens juste de découvrir cela sur votre site en googlant un peu pour trouver d'autres dev python.
16:44 <Eliewen> il y a des utilisateurs de Django ici ? :)
16:48 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
16:51 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
16:57 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
17:00 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
17:57 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
18:00 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
19:06 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
19:09 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
20:15 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
20:21 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
21:21 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
21:27 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
21:33 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
21:36 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
22:06 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
22:09 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
22:15 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
22:18 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
23:06 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
23:09 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed
23:21 <alain_afpy> ERROR www(2) The read operation timed out
23:24 <alain_afpy> INFO www fixed
23:51 <alain_afpy> ERROR membres(2) The read operation timed out
23:54 <alain_afpy> INFO membres fixed